5 Common Commercial Door Problems and How to Fix Them

As a business owner, you rely on your commercial doors to provide security and ease of access for your employees and customers. However, like any mechanical device, commercial doors can experience problems that require repair. In this post, we'll go over 5 common commercial door problems and how to fix them.

Commercial doors are an essential component of any business, providing security and accessibility for employees and customers alike. But when commercial doors malfunction or become damaged, they can disrupt daily operations and compromise your business's security. That's why it's important to address any commercial door problems promptly to ensure they don't worsen over time. In this post, we'll go over five common commercial door problems and provide tips on how to fix them. By knowing these common issues and how to resolve them, you'll be better equipped to keep your commercial doors in top working condition and maintain the safety and security of your business.

Door is difficult to open or close

One of the most common commercial door problems is difficulty opening or closing the door. This can be caused by several factors, including misaligned door tracks, damaged rollers, or worn hinges.

To fix this problem, start by inspecting the door tracks and rollers. Look for any signs of damage, such as dents or scratches, and make sure the tracks are properly aligned. If the problem persists, consider replacing the rollers or hinges to improve the door's function.

Door won't latch

Another common commercial door problem is a door that won't latch. This can be caused by a misaligned strike plate, damaged latch bolt, or loose screws.

To fix this problem, start by inspecting the strike plate and latch bolt. Look for any signs of damage or wear, and make sure the latch bolt lines up with the strike plate. If the problem persists, consider replacing the strike plate or latch bolt to ensure a proper latch.

Door squeaks or makes noise

If your commercial door squeaks or makes noise when opening or closing, it's likely due to worn or damaged hinges. This problem can be especially annoying for employees and customers, and can even affect the overall impression of your business.

To fix this problem, start by inspecting the hinges for signs of wear or damage. If the hinges are in good condition, lubricate them with a high-quality lubricant to reduce friction and eliminate noise.

Door is damaged

Commercial doors can also become damaged due to wear and tear, weather exposure, or accidental damage. This can include scratches, dents, or broken hardware.

To fix this problem, start by assessing the extent of the damage. If the damage is minor, such as a scratch or dent, it can often be repaired with a filler or paint. If the damage is more extensive, such as a broken hinge or lock, consider replacing the affected hardware or even the entire door.

Door won't stay open

If your commercial door won't stay open, it's likely due to a worn or damaged door closer. This problem can be especially frustrating for employees and customers, and can even create a safety hazard if the door closes unexpectedly.

To fix this problem, start by inspecting the door closer for signs of wear or damage. If the door closer is in good condition, adjust the tension to ensure it holds the door open properly. If the problem persists, consider replacing the door closer with a new one.

Commercial doors can experience a range of problems that require repair. By knowing the common problems and how to fix them, you can ensure your doors provide the security and ease of access your business needs. Remember, regular maintenance and inspections can help prevent many of these problems from occurring in the first place.

Commercial Door Team

The Commercial Door Team is a network of experienced professionals dedicated to providing resources to the best commercial door repair, installation, and maintenance services across the nation. With years of industry experience and a commitment to customer satisfaction, our team finds the best of commercial door solutions to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes.


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